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The song that I titled Afrikan is a piece of mine dating back a few years ago when I began to insert some concepts of improvisation inspired by George Garzone’s “Triadic Chromatic Approach” and Dave Liebman’s “A Chromatic Approach to Jazz Harmony and Melody”. This song is all in Cmin with a polytonal melody in counterpoint. The ostinato of the double bass also goes in counterpoint to the saxophone and the drums.

Vi propongo l’ascolto di questo brano di mia composizione al quale tengo particolarmente. Registrato in un bellissimo studio dal vivo in compagnia di due cari amici nonché grandi musicisti e con un fonico audio/video musicista eccellente.



Claudio Cardito Sax Soprano e Tenore
Mario Mazzaro Contrabbasso
Stefano Tatafiore Batteria

March 07, 2021


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